oh you're stunning you're absolutely stunning

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

and so alas, 
school begins tomorrow,
a year of perhaps futile expectations,
of new friendships forged,
and current ones strengthened.

it's my greatest hope,
that i may grow closer to Him,
to put Him first,
in all that i do,
to submit fully to His will,
after all,
we are all but pilgrims and strangers,
on this temporary place.

it's been said that revival,
is only achived,
when the people are desperate,
and most willing,
to devote their lives to God.

it's just been too long,
since we've had our last one,
in the early 2000s i believe,
with the boarding school revivals,
love ACS,
where christianity was just truly a way of life in school.

but yet,
i'm afraid,
of the sacrifices,
of the goals i've had,
the stuff i want to pursue,
yet strangely,
God is moving us,
bit by bit,
unraveling His plan,

and it now it just hinges on,
whether i'm willing to take,
that leap of faith.